Here's the crowd that cheered me through my first marathon (Teton Dam Marathon, Rexburg, Idaho, June 07)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Three Marathons Later

I've run three marathons since my last post. Wish I would've stayed caught up so I could relate more of the details. But, basically, the Richmond marathon went great! The day was very cool, perfect for running, and despite a stiff breeze in the face crossing the Lee bridge, it was ideal conditions. The flat course and lower elevation contributed to help me reach my goal, and I slipped in just under three-and-a-half hours at 3:29. I was very happy with my time, and I felt pretty good. The outside of my right knee bothered me a little for the first half of the race, and at mile 14 I had to stop to urinate, and my knee stiffened up, and hurt badly when I started running again. But . . . miraculously . . . by the time the race was over, my knee didn't hurt at all, and never got sore during recovery. Go figure. I don't know how it healed, but it did.

Quite a party in Richmond.

The course was beautiful, especially along the James River.

It was fun to run with my cousin, Tyson.
It was difficult to train during the winter, but thanks to some Under Armour Cold Gear, some Yak Trax cleats, gloves, and a beanie, I was able to get in about two good runs a week during the winter. I also did some time on the tread mill, but the ones here shut off after an hour and I have to start over if I want to get in a ten-miler or longer (Oh how hard it is to start again at that point!) Sixteen miles was the longest I ran before the next marathon, but I ran it twice, and it was just enough to pull off a 3:46 at the Salt Lake City Marathon on April 19th. It was very WINDY that day. Very windy. And I pooped out at mile 18. When I saw that I wasn't going to beat my 3:29, I slowed down quite a lot. But it was fun to run in my old home town and have so much family there cheering me on. Both my knees felt great during and after the run. No pain or problems at all. My boys ran across the finish line with me at the end, which was the highlight for me.

Approaching the finish line in SLC.

My boys crossed the line with me.

I trained pretty consistently after that, until my left knee started hurting in the same place my right knee had. It was after making 8 minute miles on my 10 mile loop that it started to hurt. And then the next week, when I did my 20 miler, it really became painful. I tapered down a lot more than I wanted to during the three weeks before my next race. I was worried about it, but it went pretty well. It was my hometown race, City of Rexburg TETON DAM MARATHON, and marked the anniversary of my first marathon one year ago. The course was different from last year (more difficult, with an added hill), and perhaps a bit shorter (my Garmin measured it .4 mile short), but I managed to pull off a 3:47 finish, third place in my division, which was fun. The kids also ran a one mile "family fun run" after the race. They got their own bibs and medals, and were very excited. The downside, though, my knee hurt. I've since researched it and have decided that I have iliotibial band syndrome. So I've taken almosts two weeks off, and have been stretching and strengthening my IT band, and icing at night. My knee doesn't hurt anymore when I walk or go down stairs, so I hope when I start running again it will be okay. My next goal: under 3:15 at the ST. GEORGE MARATHON (I made the lottery!) to qualify for BOSTON. I'm going to have to work like crazy to shave that much time off. I hope I can do it!

Mile 22, I was pooped!

1 comment:

JonastheBonus said...

Go Jimmy Go! Very Cool! If you qualify for Boston I will make sure to be there to chear you on.

Good luck and best wishes.


P.S. I have attached a link to some of Cliff's favorite bits of trivia. Maybe some of these will help you past mile 18 and even make you laugh a little too.