Here's the crowd that cheered me through my first marathon (Teton Dam Marathon, Rexburg, Idaho, June 07)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Horseshoe Challenge 20K Trail Run, Driggs, Idaho

On Saturday I drove to Driggs and ran the Horseshoe Challenge 20K Trail Run in Horseshoe Canyon. It was beautiful! The first half, running up to the ridge, just about killed me. I had to walk several of the steepest parts of the trail. I even experienced just a little bit of blurred vision for a few seconds at the top, but the run down the mountain was awesome. I felt like a little kid again, jumping over streams, hurdling fallen trees, and scampering down the soft, dirty trail in the shade of pines. It was exhilarating. My goal was to finish in under 2 hours, which I did (1:53). I took 6th place overall of about 20 runners, and 1st place in my division (there were only two people in my division. Ha!) They gave out some good prizes at the raffle, and I won a winter beanie embroidered with a winged potato for placing first in my division.

I rested on Sunday. On Monday I biked for an hour. And last night I ran my 10 mile loop in the dark with an LED flashlight in 1:22. I'd like to complete the Richmond Marathon in 3:30. I hope I can do it. I'm training on hills, and the Richmond Marathon is mostly flat, so I'm hoping if I can maintain 8 mpm on rolling hills I'll be able to perform even better on a flat race.

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