Here's the crowd that cheered me through my first marathon (Teton Dam Marathon, Rexburg, Idaho, June 07)

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Running with Satellites

Debbie, my wife, bought me a Garmin GPS running watch for my upcoming birthday, and I've been having a ball with it. I ran fifteen miles last Saturday and came home and analyzed my pace, pace/mile, elevation gain, etc. on my computer. I never realized how much even a slight incline slows my pace. I completed the 15 miles in 2:08, with an average pace of 8:34. This was the same pace as my last marathon, which was encouraging since I didn't feel like I was pushing myself as hard this time. I biked 24 miles on Monday, again with my Garmin, and ran my ten mile loop up summers hill in my fastest time yet, 1:19. I didn't run today because we had a death in the family--our refrigerator. We spent the afternoon shopping for one, buying one, moving the new one in, and the old one into the garage (the freezer still works!?). By the time we were done, Debbie had to leave for her mountain biking class, and though I've run in the dark with a little LED flashlight before, I wasn't up to it tonight. Besides, I'm due for a little recovery time. Here's a graph of my pace vs. elevation on the fifteen mile run.

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